Mini c.v.
Pierre B. A. Lecomte
Né le 16 décembre 1953
Docteur en Sciences de l'Université de Liège (1979)
Professeur ordinaire au Département de Mathématique de
l'Université de Liège.
Le mathématiciens et ses esclaves
P. Lecomte
Les éditions de l'Université de Liège, Mars 2009, 170 pages.
Accès à l'Informatique et à la Programmation
D. Mélotte et P. Lecomte
Hermann Editeur, Paris, 1988, 239 pages.
Chapitres de livres
Abstract numeration systems
Combinatorics, automata and number theory (V. Berthé and M. Rigo ed.)
Encyclodedia of Mathematics and its Applications 135, Cambridge University Press (2010), 108-160 (Lecomte P., Rigo M.)
Formal deformations of the Poisson Lie algebra of a symplectic manifold and star-products. Existence, equivalence, derivation
Deformation theory of algebras and structures and applications
Nato ASI Series C, 247, Kluwer Acad. Publ. (1988), 897-960 (De Wilde M., Lecomte P.)
Articles publiés depuis 1995
On a Lie Algebraic Characterization of Vector Bundles
SIGMA 8 (2012), 004, 10 pages (Lecomte P., Leuther Th., Zihindula Mushengezi E.)
Affine representations of Lie algebras and geometric interpretation in the
case of smooth manifolds
I.R.M.N.,16 (2005), 981-1003 (Hansoul S., Lecomte P. )
On Martin Bordemann's
proof of the existence of projectively equivariant quantizations
Central European Journal of Mathematics 2 (5) (2005), 793-800.(Lecomte P.)
Real numbers having ultimately periodic representations in abstract
numeration systems
Information and Computation, 192 (1) (2004), 57 - 83.(Lecomte P., Rigo M.)
On the cohomology of the space of differential operators acting on
skewsymmetric tensor fields or on forms, as modules of the Lie algebra
of vector fields
Differential geometry and its applications, 20 (2004), 241 - 249.(Agrebaoui B., Ammar F., Lecomte P.)
Towards projectively equivariant quantization
Non commutative Geometry and String Theory - Progress in Theoretical Physics, 144 (2002), 125 - 132.(Lecomte P.)
On the representation of real numbers using regular languages
Theory of computing systems, 35 (2002), 13 - 38.(Lecomte P., Rigo M.)
Multi-parameter deformations of the module of symbols of differential operators
I.R.M.N., 35 (2002), 13 - 38.(Agrebaoui B., Ammar F., Lecomte P., Ovsienko V. Yu.)
Methods of equivariant quantization
Non Commutative Geometry and String Theory - Mathematical Physics
Studies, 23 (2001), 1 - 12.(Duval C., Lecomte P., Ovsienko V. Yu.)
Numeration system on a regular language
Theory of computing systems, 34 (2001), 27 - 44.(Lecomte P., Rigo M.)
Cohomology of the vector fields Lie algebra and modules of differential operators
Compositio Mathematica, 124 (2000), 95 - 110.(Lecomte P., Ovsineko V. Yu.)
On the cohomology of sl(m+1,R) acting on differential
operators and sl(m+1,R)-equivariant symbol
Indag. Mathem., N.S., 11(1) (2000), 95 - 114.(Lecomte P.)
A remark about the Lie algebra of infinitesimal conformal transformations
of the Euclidean space
Bull. London Math. Soc. 32 (2000), no. 3, 263 - 266.(Boniver F., Lecomte P.)
Projectively equivariant symbol calculus
Lett. Math. Phys. 49 (1999), no. 3, 173 - 196.(Lecomte P., Ovsienko V. Yu.)
Conformally equivariant quantization: existence and uniqueness
Ann. Inst. Fourier, 49(6) (1999), 1999 - 2029.(Duval C., Lecomte P., Ovsienko V. Yu.)
Classification projective des espaces d'opérateurs différentiels
agissant sur les densités
C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris Sér. I Math. 328 (1999), no. 4, 287 - 290.(Lecomte P.)
Comparison of some modules of the Lie algebra of vector fields
Indag. Math. (N.S.) 7 (1996), no. 4, 461 - 471.(Lecomte P., Mathonet P., Tousset, E.)
Computability of a map and decidability of its graph in the model of Blum, Shub and Smale
Theoret. Comput. Sci. 194 (1998), no. 1-2, 219 - 223.(Ceola C., Lecomte P.)
Rigidité de l'algèbre de Lie des champs de vecteurs unimodulaires
J. Differential Geom. 44 (1996), no. 3, 529 - 549.(Lecomte P. Roger Cl.)
An homotopy formula for the Hochschild cohomology
Compositio Math. 96 (1995), no. 1,
99 - 109.(De Wilde M., Lecomte P.)